Step 1- Prepping Your Layout

This is part 1 of a 2 part video series on Mapping xLights sequences from other people’s displays into your layout.  Specifically we will walk you thought how to setup groups in your layout that will match an original PPD… Read More

The xLights Warp Effect

PART 1: THE WARP EFFECT It isn’t particularly a specific effect Like customizable xLight Effects such as the DMX, Gladiator Effect, Servo, and State… The Warp effect works pretty much like the layer blending tool with the in-transition and out-transition…… Read More

Progress: Monthly Sequence

Here is the current progress for the PPD Sequence Club members song for July!  This is just a preliminary.  Only a little ways to go, need to add in the candy canes, mega tree star, and mega tree.  Of course… Read More

June 26, 2018 8:30PM EST Webinar

Announcing the second PPD bi-weekly webinar for June 2018 at 8:30 pm Eastern Standard Time.  This week we will go over a the new WARP EFFECT, developed by Kevin Mojek.  While the effect adds some cool new options to the… Read More