TAKE YOUR EFFECTS TO THE NEXT LEVEL A detailed answer to some questions asked… The explosion effect basically goes up the tree and then makes the Stars or goes up the trunk there and makes the star explode. In this… Read More

TAKE YOUR EFFECTS TO THE NEXT LEVEL A detailed answer to some questions asked… The explosion effect basically goes up the tree and then makes the Stars or goes up the trunk there and makes the star explode. In this… Read More
GARLAND PAUSE EFFECT IMPRESS YOUR AUDIENCE You would love this insightful video tutorial on the Garland Pause Effect including the five different colors and fill effects (with those same five colors that were used). Starting with the transition effects with… Read More
DISPLAY BRIGHTNESS SMART DISPLAY SETTINGS This is a quick tip on how you easily, and, of course, conveniently set the brightness of your display. In previous editions, we had to go into the Falcon controller setup page on the string… Read More
In my daily sequencing I tend to heavily favor group sequencing over individual model sequencing. Why? Because I like to be thrifty with my effects. The Per Model Default render style is the easy way to overlay the same effect… Read More
August second session is now available to view. We covered some questions asked in the groups. Also we reviewed the new enhanced LOR data protocol that was added in February 2018. Your standard AC and Pixie controllers are now supported… Read More
PART 1 An interactive and practical session on some very important features in xLights. In this video, you will learn easier and more fascinating how to build a mega tree, as well as how to incorporate stunning effects using any… Read More
Continuing the discussion on the render styles. Here is the Default Model as a Pixel. Render Styles Pt11 Default Model as a Pixel from Pixel Pro Displays on Vimeo.
This video highlights some practical ways on how to prep your setups to upload into your controllers. You will also discover: – Some interesting xLights upgrades that are compatible with the Falcon, Raspberry Pi, E682 and more. – How to… Read More
Hey Folks, Pixel Pro Displays continuing along with the video series about render styles. What a neat way to light up your groups using the single strand effect!
Render Styles Part 10 Single Line as a Pixel.