Bulk Edit within Setup Tab

Learn how to use the Bulk Edit functions inside xLights to make easy changes in your Setup Tab.  Easily add and update your universes with the Bulk Edit function. Lots of ways to make quick changes in your channel configuration.… Read More

Model Alignment Function

Do you like an organized and accurate looking layout in the xLights preview? Well, Standard and Matrix Members can follow along with this video to learn how to use the alignment function in the xLights Setup tab. Make your layout… Read More


January 2018 Monthly Build Video

This month’s premier of the Monthly Build Video Series has arrived. We are assembling the Falcon V3 Receiver board into an enclosure so it is ready for the 2018 display season. While many people have already dismantled their display, we… Read More

New Monthly Membership Program! 

We are excited to offer a new subscription based program for people who want to learn more about how to build and layout an animated display.  Check out the video here, or click on the membership link. Compare Plans