Create Effects Using Simple Images

CREATE EFFECTS USING SIMPLE IMAGES — TIPS AND TRICKS 3 1 2018 THE PICTURE EFFECTS EXPLAINED! So much to learn about XLIghts’ pictures effects functionality in this brief but very insightful tips and tricks video. Moreover, if you've never used… Read More

Custom xLights Screen Perspectives

Sequencing Perspectives This week’s Tips and Tricks is on setting up sequencing perspectives. Here is a way to organize your xLights sequencing screen to be efficient for you. Because you will spend a LOT of time building sequences, it’s helpful… Read More

Color Curve Basics

Color Curve Basics You should take moment to follow along with the this week’s Standard Member weekly Tips and Tricks video.   Because this months topic for the Matrix Member Seminar is on basic sequencing, you’ll really want to learn  the… Read More

Create New Sequence Basics

This month we want to start out with a video which walks you though the creation of a new sequence. We understand that many of you may already know some of this, and the information may not be “new-to-you”. That’s… Read More