Found these spiral pathway trees at Home Depot after Christmas for $5 per box. I picked up 4 boxes, and wanted to convert them over to RGB pixels. Used a total of 27 ws2811 5v pixels for this test. Soldered a 3-core male and female pigtail connection on the string. I plan on injecting 5v power every 3 trees using a T-connector . Expect to use a total of 20 of these on the lower roof for next year 🙂

This looks great. I am actually looking to do something similar but was curious how you packed in 5 pixels with their wiring in the star as its pretty small and doesn’t seem like it would fit without modifying something. Thanks and keep up the great work.
I remember they fit just barely. Sadly I still will not be using these for this year :/ I have them ready to sequence, but not enough time to add them to all the sequences.
I would also like to know how you placed the pixels inside the star.
I’m trying this with standard 4″ spacing bullet nodes and I can’t get 5 into the star. Did you cut and splice the wiring or is there another trick?
No it just fit perfectly with 3 1/2 spacing