In this video, you will learn some important functionality and exploits that you can perform
with XLights. And if perhaps you find that when you open Xlights in a different computer from
the one you created and saved your sequence, you realize that you can't find a box or a specific
panel that you were working with. Then this video is for you.
Today, in this video, you will get some useful information with which you can easily tackle any
related difficulty with your use of XLights.
Of course, there could be a considerable number of icons that you use significantly or a lot.
Including the display elements button, and what have you.
So if you do go back to creating a view, you can easily get creative by hitting the plus button or
simply name the view whatever you want. And then once you've created it, you can always
access it again by double-clicking on it or saving additional details.
In a nutshell, XLights has this amazing functionality that's situated under the view box’s menu.
With it, you can easily reset to default or dock. And if you don't have your perspectives box
available, there are a few other tips that you can apply to improvise.
You’d love this video.
Ever lose a sequencing box in xLights? Here is how to find it. Even better is how to create your own perspective that will easily change your xLights layout. You'll find this helpful if switching between computers such as a desktop to a laptop.